
We are the district association Nordfriesland of the politic party BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN and we stand up for a social and ecological Nordfriesland. What this means for us concretely, we show on this page.

We are organized in several local chapters. These are involved in local politics. As a district association we regularly invite to meetings and events for district-wide topics.

If you want to become politically active, write us an e-mail or call us.
Our district manager Karsten Bahnsen will be happy to give you information and answer any questions you may have.

Nature and species conservation / Agriculture and energy

Combating the climate crisis

The climate crisis is the central task of our generation.

We must protect our unique nature and biodiversity. First and foremost, the Wadden Sea World Heritage Site, right on our doorstep.

To achieve this, we want to work together with farmers – for more animal welfare and fair wages. We want to consistently expand and promote green forms of energy. We can be pioneers for renewable technologies and produce them in our region. Our region can make the energy transition.

Wind turbines in the Breklumer Koog
Wildes Moor near Schwabstedt
Participation and equity

Overcoming social inequality

A good life for everyone!

Everyone should be able to participate equally in social life – whether young or old.

This starts with a good education for children and young people. They should grow up well and protected.

All people should live safely and be able to develop freely. This also includes participation in political bodies and offices. We promote diversity in every dimension.

Mobility and housing

Rethink mobility

True connectivity and care.

Housing must not be a luxury. We demand affordable and sustainable housing in the cities and in the countryside. We want to promote and demand new concepts!

The mobility of the future must be redefined and poses challenges above all for the countryside. Flexible public transport and better connections, „Dörpsmobile“ and bicycles are important components of this mobility turnaround.

North Sea island Föhr